In the name of the dead…

Dragging a dead person for publicity… how low can you get

The non promising ‘sun’ of a failed drug abusive underworld wanna be actor has come forth with a

brand new shiny romanticised action shit movie. All of us know who we are talking about.. Oh well, I

shall give you five guesses.

The hero of yesteryear who is a villain and has passed on his talents to his son, who was accused of

murder. It seems talent for crime runs in the family. This young self-proclaimed ‘hero’ makes Uday

Chopra look like Hugh Jackman of the Bollywood industry, especially after appearing in promos with

the daughter of an Udipi Shetty. (The girl looks like poor man’s Sonam Kapoor for God’s sake!) No

wonder people who do not have ‘Godfathers’, never become heroes, because their fathers are not

‘THE’ Godfathers who make people offers they cannot refuse.

In an interview with a leading newspaper website, the numpty newb is being supported in his recent

debut film by the most macho actor, the Alpha male of Bollywood, the brother of all industry. This

young crime talent has come out and says he does not want to talk about his ex-flame who

committed suicide only because he was unfaithful to her. He said he loves her and he will always

love her and ‘their names will be linked together, just like their hearts,’ though the dearly departed

will never know of this, as she was busy being abused.

The starlet was much talked-about in the industry in a debut with a legend like Amitabh Bachchan.

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