George.R.R.Martin says sorry in every way possible…

…Not for Jon but for not being able to finish writing the next book – ‘Winds of Winter’ – in the Game of Thrones – a Song of Fire and Ice series.

Earlier in the month, he posted an long apology on the blog (can he ever write anything that is less than 1000 words?) and he said sorry to fans, readers, HBO and every one in the world in everyway possible.


“….THE WINDS OF WINTER is not finished. 

Believe me, it gave me no pleasure to type those words. You’re disappointed, and you’re not alone. My editors and publishers are disappointed, HBO is disappointed, my agents and foreign publishers and translators are disappointed… but no one could possibly be more disappointed than me. For months now I have wanted nothing so much as to be able to say, “I have completed and delivered THE WINDS OF WINTER” on or before the last day of 2015.

But the book’s not done”


George issued the apology in the light of the delays in getting manuscript of the next book of the very popular saga finished. As a part of this apology, he also clarified that the TV show would now go ahead of the book. Addresssing the elephant in the room about whether that would act as spoilers for the readers this is what he wrote


“Of course, there’s an aspect to our situation that did not apply to either the Weir or Clarke cases. Those novels were finished before they were optioned, adapted, and filmed. The case of GAME OF THRONES and A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE is perhaps unique. I can’t think of any other instance where the movie or TV show came out as the source material was still being written. So when you ask me, “will the show spoil the books,” all I can do is say, “yes and no,” and mumble once again about the butterfly effect. Those pretty little butterflies have grown into mighty dragons. Some of the ‘spoilers’ you may encounter in season six may not be spoilers at all… because the show and the books have diverged, and will continue to do so.”

The entire note can be read on George R.R. Martins blog.

George R R’s blog – Here

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