5 people who get more footage than they are worth

0005There are always people who we feel are really overrated. While these megalomaniacs have charmed a large portion of the common audience, the smart crowd will be able to tell you that these people are really nothing but mediocre and have just learnt one trick to pull the attention of the masses.

Here are 5 people who really need to pull their shit together, grow up and the media should really stop publicising their non sense.

  1. Durjoy Dutta
    The Kylie /Kendall Jenner of India

    An overrated Mumbai tabloid recently put this guy on their FRONT page. WHY? because well, according to this over-hyped newspaper, Dutta is the “top romance writer in the country” who proposed his girlfriend on twitter. Hmm.
    Why he does not deserve so much hype? Well, for one he is NOT the top romance writer. There are so many others out there who do not have the money to get self-published (like Dutta did) but have some phenomenal stories to tell.
    Two, It’s baffling to see the female fan following to this guy. He looks extremely mediocre and just has a crater for a dimple. Indian girls always have had issues of self esteem which reflects their choice in men. They really make the best of what they get, I suppose!
    Three, he is the Kylie Jenner in the publishing world. He got famous by a shot of luck, social media selfies and some good marketing. If people think Chetan Bhagat’s books belong in garbage, then Dutta’s belong in a pig sty…


2.       Arnab Goswami

The guy needs a vacation, to get laid, or just a pinacolada by the beach. I really wonder if something happened at home, would he be counted as a verbally abusive husband? He was great back in the day when Times Now began, but now he’s just like a screamer that nobody wants to sleep with!
People need to ignore him. That’s possibly the only solution to shut this guy up. You’re a journalist? Good for you! There are thousands others in the country who are doing a great job without increasing the decibel level!
qs_9d457b4a423f43648f7a98e1e5810c4e_resizeIt’s really intriguing if he really cares about the country. The way he screams, oh he’d have put our freedom fighters to shame had he been born then. Except, we do NOT want more negativity in our lives than there already is. The guy needs to cool off, anf the people need to stop talking about it.

As they say, Ignorance is Bliss…

3. AIB

Really AIB being funny is so 2 years ago…

A bunch of south Mumbai misfits and ugly boys making fun of others. Sounds familiar? Oh well pretty sure they did that in college, you know? Ragging on people who really have nothing to do with them and are just minding their own business.
AIB’s humour is STRICTLY OKAY. They’re not phenomenal, really. I mean there are a lot more talented people out there than the four of these combined together. They’re like Russell Peters, but without any of his talent. They make Kapil Sharma’s humour seem smart at times.
aib-listicle“Life mein kuch kaam nahin? Chalo TV show banate hain!”

These guys are really overrated, mainly because other stand up guys have not really had a chance to be expressed. It was all funny in the beginning until they tried the ‘Roast’ format, which frankly, sucked. Either they need to up their game, or simply disappear into thin air.

4. Shobha De

Utha le re baba…

Another writer who does not really write well. She’s so overrated that youngsters buy her books just because she’s been well marketed and has a publishing house at her disposal. The writing field is funny. One novel published (by any ways and means, fair or unfair) you become a ‘sought-after’ writer getting columns, which really you just get written from others. Sonam Kapoor rightly called her a fossil.
The only difference between hers and Dutta’s books is, the authors have a huge age gap. Her books have no substance, only voyeuristic page three party stories which do not affect anybody’s lives whatsoever, or enlighten even a fly’s short life.
Stop buying her books, people. Please. There are other good authors waiting for recognition , who will genuinely fill your purpose of really reading a book – make you feel something.


5. Karan Johar

I’m the Victoria Beckham of India. I’m famous for no reason….

The guy has been so overexposed, sometimes I have dreams of him, where I have chai with him at a roadside chai tapri. What is with him being in EVERY award show? Judging EVERY reality show? voicing his opinion on EVERY trivial matter of the world when he is the last person concerned to the issue.
Everyone agrees his movies are the dreams of the middle class and nowhere near to the real lives of the rich. Even his acting debut was a major dud.
Media needs to like stop taling to him, Now! Unless he comes up with some real genius work like he used to maybe. Which, considering how he is always partying and socialising, is never going to happen.



Alia Bhatt/Siddharth Malhotra/Varun Dhawan etc.

Because Karan Johar never travels alone. He goes everywhere with an entourage of these young babies …
Like an annoying young sibling of a best friend you have to entertain because the best friend cannot step out of the house without the kid throwing a tantrum.  0005
Ugh! People! Please up your standards in life!






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