Why ‘Stranger Things’ is the next best show from Netflix


  1. Did I mention it’s about the 80’s and full of awesome 80’s nostalgia. There is Dungeons and Dragons, music cassette (Remember that?), landline phones with cord 80’s hair styles and even Eggos

    Source – tosche-station.net

  2. It will make you feel like a child again especially if you are born in the 70s/80s

    Source – Zerchoo.com

  3. Imagine ‘Super 80’, ‘E.T’, ‘X-files’ and ‘Twin Peaks’ was blended together to recreate MAGIC. With a nod to Spielberg magic and Amblin entertainment and Goosebumps and even Lord of the Rings (there is an actual Mirkwood in the show!)

stranger-things-netflix-sci-fi-winona-ryder-matthew-modine                                                Source – Inverse.com

4. Everyone who has seen it…loves it including Stephen King to whom the entire series seem like an homage.


Source – Mashable.com

5. It has some great actors(hello Wynnona Rider) and …Hopper! (You gotto see the show to understand what I’m saying)


Watch without much ado! Highly Recommended!

Take a bow Netflix! Well done once more…

Featured Image – Inverse.com



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