Hindi Background songs for Game Of Thrones Characters.. Check ’em all out!

We all have seen the spoof of Game of Thrones, how it would look like if our hindi tv producers made it.. But.. Ever thought if every character had a background bollywood theme song? Here are a few we picked out! ARYA STARK Naam Gum Jaayega.. Chehra yeh badal Jayega.. Watch here: https://youtu.be/6hE2NUPewB8 We can totally imagine this music as she changes “faces” and becomes … Continue reading Hindi Background songs for Game Of Thrones Characters.. Check ’em all out!

George.R.R.Martin says sorry in every way possible…

…Not for Jon but for not being able to finish writing the next book – ‘Winds of Winter’ – in the Game of Thrones – a Song of Fire and Ice series. Earlier in the month, he posted an long apology on the blog (can he ever write anything that is less than 1000 words?) and he said sorry to fans, readers, HBO and every … Continue reading George.R.R.Martin says sorry in every way possible…

Game of Thrones Season 6: Teaser teases Jon and Bran

And it’s here..! And.. Jon Snow’s Alive! The much awaited Game of Thrones teaser for season six is finally out, letting the fans in on a small peek to what’s in store for the next season For fans, the new trailer is 41 seconds of pure excitement and exhilaration… Still, there’s plenty in there to create a sense of anticipation. They use the past events … Continue reading Game of Thrones Season 6: Teaser teases Jon and Bran