The Guys behind the Guy Fawkes Mask


“Remember Remember, the eighteenth of november…”

It was the day Anonymous annouced war on ISIS and leaked information about almost 5000 suspected Isis terrorists. The guys behind the guy fawkes mask have been creating mass hysteria in their wake and everyones favorite ‘Hacktivist’ network. Such a popular phenomena are they that they inspired a show – Mr. Robot and also parts of the new season of Homeland.

So, Who was Guy Fawkes?

Guy Fawkes was an english man fighting against the spanish. He is famously associated with the ‘Gun Powder’ plot to blow up the House of Lords in Britian. In UK %th November is also celebrated as Guy Fawkes Night where effigies and bonfires are lit.

It was quite recently profiled in Sherlock . More info here.

Why is his face so famous ?

It started with a comic by Arthur Moore called ‘V for Vendetta’ where the central character wore a Guy Fawkes mask and fought against treason. The Wachowski Sibling made an movie on it starring Natalie Portman and Hugo wearving :


So who are the other asked guy?

Anonymous is a secrect group of ‘Hacktivists’ who took on cyber vigilence and only identify themselves by the Guy Fawkes mask.


In the entire wave of Wikileaks and Edward Snowden, anonymous came about as a group of volunteer ethical hackers online who came together to spread awareness and fight coruuption especially online. Basically they are online vigilantees.

What are some of the big ‘raids’ they have done?

They were first praised when they brought alleged Child Molester Chris Forcand to task by tracking and outing him. Thereafter they were known for takng over scientology, hacking Sarah Plain Yahoo account, They started a forum to support internet cencorer Iran to comminicate with the rest of the world, shutting down australian Prime ministers website or cencorship in Aurtralia, Occupy Wallstreet, Taking down Visa and Paypal, and many more such exploits.

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